About 10 million people suffer from periodontal disease, also called periodontitis.
For many people periodontitis remains unnoticed for a long time because its progress is initially painless. If left untreated, periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
The earlier a periodontal disease is detected and treated, the greater are the chances of a cure. We can help you with a detailed consultation and an individual treatment plan.

Healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime - with proper prevention everyone can achieve this.
Professional tooth cleaning (PTC) removes all hard and soft plaque and bacteria. Caries and periodontal disease is thus effectively prevented.
PTC goes much further than the plaque removal as part of the normal control study, which has mainly tartar removal as target.
Also stains from coffee, tea or cigarettes disappear after professional tooth cleaning.

Is the "tooth nerve" inflamed, it must quickly be dentally treated, because otherwise the diseased tooth could be lost.
In the initial stage, a pulpitis may be successfully treated with medication. But if the infection already went too far and heavily damaged the pulp, the affected tooth can only be saved by root canal treatment.

Restorative Therapy
Composites are possible for small to medium-sized defects in the anterior and posterior region and are also available in various tooth substance like gradations. The so-called adhesive technique is used here and is applied by a special bonding process with the composite (plastic).

What are veneers?
Veneers are very thin ceramic shells that are placed on the visible side of the tooth and fixed there.They can cover discolorations, create a new tooth shape and be colored to match the remaining teeth.
Veneers are useful for:
- "Worn" / broken teeth
- Teeth with fillings
- Malposition of the teeth
The relatively long life speaks for the use of veneers. Those who decide for veneers have a very high probability of a nenjoyment for many years.

You want a radiant smile like a movie star?
For the whitening of natural tooth substance a gel-like bleaching (hydrogen peroxide) is applied to the teeth. By a certain exposure time the enamel layers of the teeth are penetrated. Existing fillings or crowns can not be changed.

Mouth Trays
Invisible orthodontic correction brackets innovative & effective
You have dental gaps or you want to correct Angulaon or rotation
The method Modernclear have earned a permanent place in orthodontics. In recent years They have proven to be an effective alternative to conventional braces.
Tooth correction is suitable for the following problems
- dental Gaps
- crowding correction
- open bite
- cross bite
- nested teeth
- malpositioned teeth
for a 3D prognosis simply ask us .

An implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically anchored in the healthy jawbone.
After ten years, about 90% of all implants are still intact. If an implant is kept free of inflammation by diligent oral hygiene and not overloaded, his lifetime equals the lifetime of a natural tooth and can be maintained for life.

If, in a tooth by deep decay or an injury very little tooth structure exists, it is often not possible to repair it with a filling or inlay. For a permanent stabilization, a partial or entire crown is usually necessary. The crown works as a protective and stabilizing "cap" one the previously polished tooth.
For the production of crowns we prefer to use all-ceramics.
Experience has shown that all-ceramics last for more than 10 years, and is thus superior to many other materials.

An inlay is a liner filling. Inlays can be fitted precisely into the existing tooth structure and are also very durable. Its good seat allows optimal chewing.

Children Treatment
Healthy milk teeth are very important for a child, because they help him chewing, forming sounds, words, sentences, and finally for the palpation and getting to know the world. With us, your children are in good hands:
- Screening tests
- Caries treatment
- Prophylaxis

Laser treatment
- Gum Treatment
- Caries treatment
- Restorative Therapy and sealing
- Root canal treatment
- Gingivitis (gum disease)
- Gingival overgrowth
- Prevent or alleviate gum recession

Anxious patients
We are prepared and treat you carefully. In the first meeting, we strive to meet your possible worries and concerns. Together with you we are searching for the best possible treatment plan. We make the treatment as painless as possible. If desired also under general anesthesia.